Sunday, October 30, 2011

The greatest gamble ever: Developers in Miami punt $3.8bn on building world's biggest casino resort

The greatest gamble ever: Developers in Miami punt $3.8bn on building world's biggest casino resort
Hopes to raise $600 million in tax revenue for Florida
Will have more floor space than Las Vegas' six biggest casinos
Subject to approval of Bill that would take away tribe state's monopoly
28th October 2011

The stakes are high in Miami where the world's biggest casino - to eclipse the gaming floors of Las Vegas' top six gambling dens combined - could soon be built.

Malaysian firm Getting is preparing to spend $3.8 billion constructing Resorts World Miami - an 800,000 sq ft paradise containing a staggering 8,500 slot machines.

It will have more gambling space than Sin City's Mirage, Venetian, MGM Grand, Bellagio, Wynn and Caesars Palace put together.

Taking over the town: Resorts World Miami will become the centre-piece of the city's shoreline

Ambitious: Malaysian firm Getting is preparing to spend $3.8 billion constructing Resorts World Miami - an 800,000 sq ft gambling paradise containing a staggering 8,500 slot machines

Project: The resort will have more gambling space than Sin City's Mirage, Venetian, MGM Grand, Bellagio, Wynn and Caesars Palace put together

It will also be two-and-half times larger than the biggest casino in the U.S. - the Foxwoods Resort in Ledyard, Connecticut.

Getting, which has already spent $500 million buying the land around Biscayne Bay, says the project will  create around 100,000 jobs - for an area where unemployment currently stands at 10.6 per cent.

It will also give a 5.4 million tourist visitor boost to the city and generate $600 million in much-needed tax revenue for the cash-strapped state.

Florida currently has a $1.5 billion budget deficit.

Profitable: The resort will give a 5.4 million tourist visitor boost to the city and generate $600 million in much-needed tax revenue for the cash-strapped state

Stunning: The site will have four hotels offering 5,200 rooms, 1,000 residential apartments, a water lagoon the size of 12 Olympic swimming pools and more than 50 restaurants and bars

1. Venetian Macao, Macao, China - 546,000
2. City of Dreams, Macao, China - 420,000
3. Foxwoods Resort, U.S. -  340,000
4. Casino Ponte 16, Macao, China - 270,000
5. Tusk Rio Casino, South Africa - 266,330
6. MGM Grand Macao, China - 221,952
7. Sands Macao, China - 229,000
8. MGM Grand Las Vegas, 170,000
9. Casino Lisboa, Portugal - 165,000
10. Borgata Hotel, Atlantic City - 161,000

Located on the city's waterfront, the site will have four hotels offering 5,200 rooms, 1,000 residential apartments, a water lagoon the size of 12 Olympic swimming pools and more than 50 restaurants and bars.

A convention centre, shopping mall and two casinos will also be built.

However, before construction on the ambitious development begins, a Bill to open up gambling laws in Miami has to be approved.

This is because in gambling in Florida is banned, apart from in Native American tribal lands.
It means the Seminole Indian tribe, which owns seven casinos in the state, has a monopoly - and are rumoured to have already spent $140,000 on keeping the company out.

Boost: The project will create around 100,000 jobs - for an area where unemployment currently stands at 10.6 per cent

Development: A convention centre, shopping mall and two casinos will also be built on the site

Cost: $3 billion
Site: 13.9 acres
Square feet: 10 million
Construction jobs: 15,000 direct and indirect
Permanent jobs: 30,000
Convention space: 700,000 sq ft 
Ballroom: 200,000 sq ft 
Hotels: 4 
Hotel rooms: 5,200
Residential units: 1,000
Swimming lagoon: 3.6 acres 
Retail: 250,000 sq ft
Restaurants and bars: More than 50
Slot machines: 8,500

Leaders pored over the proposed bill on Wednesday, which if given the go-ahead would bring three large casino resorts to the Sunshine State.

Phil Goldfarb, president of Fontainebleau Miami Beach, told Miami-Dade commissioners at a hearing that: 'We’re most concerned about existing businesses.

'When you look at the enormous size and scope of some of these projects, it just doesn’t make sense.'
Other critics see the urban resort scrambling downtown Miami’s ongoing revival and stealing customers from hotels and restaurants from nearby neighborhoods and Miami Beach.

But supporters say it will create jobs and see tens of millions in tourist dollars pour in once it was open.
Esteban Garcia, owner of Garcia’s Seafood Grille and Fish Market on the Miami River, which Genting says may open a second location at the planned resort, told the Miami Herald: 'The Genting resort will be a magnet for the city.
'This kind of resort would bring a lot of new jobs to our community.'

The legislation introduced this week would allow three casino resorts, as long as developers spent at least $2 billion to build them.


星島日報 – 2011年10月30日星期日



  該個賭場度假村將命名為「邁阿密渡假村世界」(Resorts World Miami),面積達八十萬方呎,足足為美國最大賭場康州快活豪華大賭場的兩倍半,可容納八千五百部角子老虎機。






Thursday, October 27, 2011

溫州民間高利貸風波 內地民企豪賭老闆客急跌 澳門賭場劏房搶客

豪客急跌 澳門賭場劏房搶客
Next Mag


最近永利澳門( 1128)公布第三季業績,便因貴賓廳生意下跌而遭券商唱淡。與此同時,中央收緊政策亦在各省市靜靜出台,嚴限高官、國企高層及公安等前往澳門。

豪客大減,本刊踩入多間賭場,發現不少貴賓廳都拍烏蠅,部分更要「 劏房」搶客。民企老闆走佬,拖欠大筆賭債,亦令賭場壞賬陸續浮面,有疊碼仔爆料要出動泰仔北上追數。

上週四,永利澳門公布第三季業績,佔其博彩收入達七成七的貴賓廳生意,按季下跌,立即遭投行高盛唱淡,股價應聲急挫百分之四,連同之前兩個交易日,累跌超過一成四。同日,濠賭股被借勢洗倉,澳博( 880)、銀河娛樂( 27)及新濠( 200)均跌超過百分之五至六。











為了方便不能親身落場的大客,不少疊碼仔即變招,用電話遙控幫賭客落注,在賭場及賭船十分常見。月中,記者登上上市公司實德環球( 487)旗下的實德郵輪。四百多元一張的船票,包吃包住,買夠五千元泥碼則免費。出公海前,船上的入境處職員為乘客辦理出境手續,乘客不少是拿着藍色封面的「往來港澳通行證」,講廣東話的廣東省居民。賭船載客量約三百多人,當天是週五,但只是半滿。

晚上約十時,郵輪駛到公海,賭廳正式開放。六樓的賭廳有近百名賭客在「搏殺」。十四張賭 枱絕大部分是玩百家樂﹐最低注碼一百元。凌晨兩時許,賭客大多集中在注碼較細的賭 枱,右側半開放的高注碼區,整晚都十分冷清,玩家不足十名。其中四張賭 枱,注碼由一千至二十萬元,賭 枱對上天花裝有垂直的閉路電視鏡頭。其中五名「玩家」,戴着免提聽筒,賭 枱前放有計數機及紙筆,一邊對着聽筒細說開牌過程,一邊記錄着輸贏結果,「一萬元買庄,是不是?……閒六點,庄四點,閒贏。老闆,這一盤輸一萬元。」一名戴着耳筒的白衫中年婦人,時而普通話時而上海話,密密為老闆下注。她手上的記錄紙顯示已有過百盤下注,暫時輸了三萬七千多元。突然,婦人聲音肉緊起來︰「買什麼?吓,十五萬的閒!……唉,庄贏。」前後兩盤,已輸掉逾十八萬元。不過,記者見她 枱面依然「彈藥」充足,有二十萬泥碼及約十萬元現金碼。翌日早上七點多,賭 枱「收檔」。白衫婦人收線後,轉身向友人說︰「今次疊碼仔賺到笑啦,一晚換 咗四十幾萬泥碼。好累呀,我要 瞓覺,今晚先同佢對數。」

除了賭船,澳門新葡京的貴賓賭廳「海王會」,亦見有駐場疊碼仔,用耳筒接駁 iPad,在私隱度較高的貴賓房內,幫賭客遙控落注。


十一黃金周後,大型外資賭場更提高疊碼仔佣金,鼓勵中介公司拉客。澳門政府法定碼佣上限百分之 1.25%,現時行內碼佣公價一般 1.15%,即每十萬元轉碼數(現金兌換籌碼),疊碼仔獲得一千一百五十元。

星際、銀河、永利等大場,提高碼佣到 1.2%至 1.6%,「超出每月指定數額,賭場會再俾高啲碼佣,例如定每月要交三億數,若個場做到五億數,每十萬碼佣升至一千八百元一份。海王會以前喺葡京包賭廳做,今年俾銀河挖咗過檔。」銀河營業額八成八依靠貴賓廳,陳先生透露,銀河為籠絡實力中介公司駐場,最近出新招,免息借籌碼給中介公司,變相開出免租條件,但限定中介公司每張賭枱每月交足約三億元轉碼數,穩定生意額。

一些中、小型賭場,亦轉陣吸客。其中,希臘神話二樓全層貴賓廳,已劃出一半地方,改成一間間約二百五十呎貴賓房間, VIP房內置賭枱、電視、梳化、按摩椅,以富貴廳房模式提高賭客的私隱度,「之前玩千萬泥碼先至可以包房玩,而家換五十萬,一百萬泥碼就可以開貴賓房,將貴賓客普及化。」疊碼仔阿強說。


今年十月,里昂發布的一項「敏感度」測試指,如果一二年貴賓廳生意大跌一成,六隻濠賭股現金經營溢利將減少一成至三成,其中銀河娛樂及永利分別下跌二成七和二成一。本月中,銀娛旗下的星際酒店慶祝五周年,「車輪轉」搞了十二場自助餐,慰勞員工。副主席呂耀東於席上承認,集團會增強中場賭廳業務,「中場客潛力好大,我哋未來會開澳門首間 3D戲院。」呂耀東說。

大細賭場積極變陣,管理守舊的澳博,卻沒有變革搶客。目前葡京,新葡京的貴賓賭 枱每張 枱每月轉碼數約三億,有中介公司埋怨澳博管理層寧願關場都不肯降低轉碼數額,「人哋鬼佬場借埋錢俾我哋去做,葡京場好多年前定落 嘅轉碼數唔肯改,係你都走,最差係 啲客贏了錢,將泥碼兌現金時,仲有 啲嘍囉要『 揼心口』,攞茶錢,呢啲情況只會喺十年八年前澳門賭場會發生。」

賭場各師各法,亦積極開拓北方不同省市客源,「舊年十二月聖誕開始搵多啲北方客,蘇杭、雲南、貴州都有,而家寧波客豪賭作風唔遜色過溫州客。」疊碼仔阿強說。另外,於中細型賭場及賭船,增加多元化賭法,容許中介公司與賭場同時做庄家,與賭客玩 枱底「對賭」,賭「底面」等,讓賭客減少被賭場抽佣,疊碼仔賺取碼佣之外,有機會贏賭客賭本。

今年五月開幕的澳門銀河渡假村,年底將增設澳門首間 3D戲院,積極招攬中場客,抗衡內地豪客流失的影響。




Sunday, October 16, 2011

France arrests over 'casino scam'

France arrests over 'casino scam'
14 October 2011 

The players pocketed tens of thousands of euros after playing poker against the croupier

French police say they have arrested three Italians and a Frenchman over a sophisticated casino scam in Cannes.

The Frenchman is accused of marking a deck of cards with invisible ink and ensuring the three Italians played from that deck, reports say.

The Italians, meanwhile, wore special lenses to enable them to see the markings, according to police.

The gang are accused of swindling one casino out of up to 64,000 euros ($88,000; £56,000).

But detectives believe they may have used the technique elsewhere in Europe before coming to their attention in France.

Suspicions were raised at the Princes Casino in the resort city when the Italians won 44,000 euros playing a form of stud poker against the croupier, then returned earlier this week to win another 20,000 euros.

On investigation, the cards were found to have been marked with invisible symbols, including a line for an ace and a cross for a king.

"At first we thought they were using cameras, but we didn't find anything," a police spokesman reportedly said.

"Finally, we realised that their strategy involved using contact lenses."

Other reports suggested the players were using infra-red glasses, not contact lenses.

The suspects are expected to face charges of fraud and theft, and could face up to 10 years in jail.

But a lawyer for one of the unnamed Italian players was quoted as saying his client denied wrongdoing.

His client had "come to the Cote [d'Azur] with a friend to have a good time and only brought a pair of sandals, a towel and a pack of cards, but that doesn't make him a cheat", the lawyer said.

Gang 'cheated casino out of £55,000 by using special contact lenses to see invisible ink marked on cards'

Gang 'cheated casino out of £55,000 by using special contact lenses to see invisible ink marked on cards'
By Daily Mail Reporter
14th October 2011

In two successive trips to the casino's poker table, the gang walked away with a cool £55,000.

And even suspicious staff, who have seen all the tricks in the book, were unable to work out how the group of Italians had beaten the house again.

But eventually their luck ran out when police caught onto their sophisticated scam.

By wearing special contact lenses to see invisible ink on marked cards, a gang is said to have conned the cash out of casinos across Europe.

Poker face: Jodie Foster (left) and Mel Gibson (right) starred as card tricksters in the 1994 hit film Maverick
But the alleged ruse was rumbled this summer in the French city of Cannes when casino staff reported their antics, after becoming suspicious of their £38,000 and £17,500 wins on two separate days.

A police spokesman said: 'We have never seen anything like this in the region. At first we thought that they were using cameras.

'But we didn't find anything. Finally we realised that their strategy involved using contact lenses.'

Detectives now believe the gang may have used the technique in casinos across the Continent before their arrest in Cannes.

The alert was raised when three Italian players won almost £38,000 in an evening playing a form of stud poker against the croupier in the Princes Casino on the French Riviera. 

Claims: The Princes Casino, in Cannes, was allegedly targeted by the contact lens gang
A week later they made a further £17,500 within a few hours. But staff recognised them and called police.

Further investigation revealed invisible marks on the back of the cards being used. A cross indicated a king, a line meant an ace - information that gave the three an unbeatable edge.

Grasse state prosecutor Jean-Michel Cailleau said the men were all wearing treated contact lenses so they could read the invisible ink.

The three Italians, and two alleged French accomplices, are being held on suspicion of 'committing fraud in an organised gang' and face a maximum sentence of ten years in prison if found guilty.

One of the Frenchmen arrested is believed to work for the casino and police believe he may have slipped the marked cards into the venue.

Police are now going to send mugshots of the suspects to casinos across the continent.

Maitre Jean-Louis Paganelli, a lawyer for one of the Italian players, who have not been named, said that his client denied any wrongdoing.

He told the Times: 'He doesn't understand why he has been arrested.

'He came to the Cote with a friend to have a good time and only brought a pair of sandals, a towel and a pack of cards, but that doesn't make him a cheat.'

電影賭神法國坎城真實版 隱形墨水透視眼鏡出老千

賭神真實版 透視眼鏡出老千
3騙徒勾結發牌員 詐266萬元
2011年 10月16日









Thursday, October 6, 2011

澳門賭枱注碼 黃金周加至千元 博彩業發展繼續旺盛

濠賭枱注碼 黃金周加至千元




瑞信走訪新葡京 見證生意火爆



暫未見資金壓力 「無拖數迹象」






Monday, October 3, 2011

買彩票防癡呆 四川成都患糖尿病的九旬翁中七星彩 體育彩票頭獎867萬

買彩票防癡呆 九旬翁中867萬
明報 – 2011年10月3日星期一


