Friday, September 23, 2011

Full Tilt Poker Site Defends Business, Not a Ponzi Scheme

Poker Site Defends Business, Not a Ponzi Scheme
Sept. 22, 2011 

The operators of online gambling site Full Tilt 
Poker, charged with running a $440 million 
Ponzi scheme by federal authorities, say what 
happened to them was simply 
mismanagement, not a scam.

"Banks fail for not having sufficient revenue to 
cover customer deposits all the time. No one 
refers to such failures as Ponzi schemes. And 
there was no Ponzi scheme here," said Jeff 
Ifrah, an attorney for Full Tilt Poker. 

"Players were not investing in any company-
run investment vehicle. Players were never 
promised any type of high rate return. Players 
just wanted to play poker and the company 
offered that service," he said. Ifrah explained 
that in late 2010, the company suddenly 
found itself unable to meet the player 
withdrawal demand. 

Full Tilt was shut down in April by federal 
authorities. "Full Tilt was not a legitimate 
poker company, but a global Ponzi scheme,"  
Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the 
Southern District of New York, said in a 
statement Wednesday.

The site told players their gambling accounts 
were secure and available for withdrawal at 
any time when in fact, "Full Tilt Poker did not 
maintain funds sufficient to repay all players," 
Bharara said. The operation allegedly used 
player funds to pay board members and other 
 owners more than $440 million since April 

The complaint named board members 
Raymond Bitar, Howard Lederer, Christopher 
Ferguson and Rafael Furst as defendants. 

"Full Tilt insiders lined their own pockets with 
funds picked from the pockets of their most 
loyal customers while blithely lying to both 
players and the public alike about the safety 
and security of the money deposited with the 
company," according to the DOJ statement.

Ifrah said the individuals added to the civil 
complaint will "certainly have comments on 
the allegations against them." If they received 
distributions at a time when the company was 
underwater, the individuals will need to 
defend whether the distributions are subject 
to seizure as the amended complaint alleges. 

On April 15, 2011, the Justice Department 
Poker Site Defends Business, Not a Ponzi Scheme
 filed a complaint for money laundering, fraud, 
and violating the 2006 Unlawful Internet 
Gambling Enforcement Act against 11 
individuals who ran PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker 
and Absolute Poker.

"But even if the government can prove that 
case and forfeit such distributions, such a 
case simply does not amount to a 'global 
Ponzi scheme' as the US Attorney stated in his 
press release," Ifrah told ABC News. "The 
inflammatory description by NY's lead federal 
prosecutor has nothing to do with the 
allegations in the amended complaint and the 
timing of these comments is most 

Ifrah conceded that Full Tilt may have been 
mismanaged, and the company "may have 
made poor decisions." 

The Justice Department's shutdown of online 
poker sites has affected millions of poker 
players and the poker industry.

In June, Phil Ivey, one of the world's best poker 
players, announced he was suing his sponsor, 
Full Tilt, in June for $150 million and 
boycotted this year's World Series of Poker 

美「全速撲克」賭網騙34億 世界級職業高手開設 層壓式欺詐玩家

美「全速撲克」賭網騙34億 世界級職業高手開設 層壓式欺詐玩家
明報 – 2011年9月22日



南曼哈頓檢察官辦公室周二說,網站「全速撲克」(Full Tilt Poker)雖為世界一大撲克網站,但卻是非法公司。該網以玩「得州話事啤」為主,經營者要求玩家先設帳戶,以電子轉帳或信用卡存入款項作賭本,並聲稱會在玩家贏錢時,把彩金直接存入該賭網帳戶,用家可隨時以支票、電子轉帳或信用卡方式提取餘額。到了後期,公司利用新加入玩家的賭本去支付舊玩家的提款。這種層壓式集資,虛構業務的手法,正是典型的龐茲騙局(Ponzi scheme)。


當局稱,「全速撲克」一直誤導玩家,指存放在該網站帳號的賭本都是安全、有保障和隨時可提取的,讓玩家老以為仍有錢存在帳號內,但事實上該網自2007年4月起至今年4月,挪用了玩家存入的4.438億美元(34.6億港元)賭金,以股息名義攤分給撲克賽冠軍人馬萊德勒(Howard Lederer)和5屆世界冠軍弗格森(Christopher Ferguson)等23名網站董事和持有人,根本沒保留充足資金準備還給玩家。
萊德勒在4年間獨享4200萬美元,公司行政總裁比塔爾(Raymond Bitar)獲發4100萬美元,弗格森最少得到2500萬美元,另外1170萬美元歸另一撲克好手董事弗斯特(Rafael Furst)。今年3月底,該網站全球客戶的結餘為3.9億美元(其中1.5億美元屬於美國客戶),但公司銀行存款只有6000萬美元,到今年6月初更只剩600萬美元。

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