Friday, June 10, 2011

Asia in need of Vegas 5 times over: mogul

Asia in need of Vegas 5 times over: mogul 

Asia has room for five gambling centers the size of Las Vegas without being saturated because of the way the market is growing.

Elizabeth Law in Macau 
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Asia has room for five gambling centers the size of Las Vegas without being saturated because of the way the market is growing.
That's the view of gaming mogul Sheldon Adelson, who believes Macau has little to fear from new casinos opening up throughout Asia.

"The Asian gambling and entertainment market is not just growing, it's exploding," said Adelson, who added that the industry is unique because it is supply driven.

"You can create a market anywhere you want. There is nothing different between people in Europe and Asia. Grown-ups just want a place to spend money and be entertained."

He said Macau operates "a gaming and entertainment industry," where convention and exhibition facilities play their part.

"MICE (Meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) are important because they are what fill the rooms on weekdays. We cannot simply depend on day-trip tourists from Guangdong."

Adelson, chairman and chief executive of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, parent company of the Venetian Macau, has often been credited for bringing life to the Cotai Strip.

He was speaking at the Global Gaming Expo Asia in Macau, where he was presented with a "visionary award." Previous recipients include casino king Stanley Ho Hung-sun.

Using Marina Bay Sands in Singapore as an example, Adelson said integrated resorts are the way forward because they offer something for everyone.

"I see an integrated resort as a sort of adult Disneyland, where adults go to be entertained and to have fun."

But some individuals try to take advantage of the system and cheat in casinos, especially at the most popular game in Macau: baccarat.

According to US casino game protection expert Sal Piacente, baccarat is especially popular with cheats because there are few factors that can affect the outcome of a rigged game. Most scammers collude with a casino dealer.

While professional scammers are harder to detect, Piacente said most amateur cheats can be quickly detected.


(香港)   (2011-06-09)

  (联合早报网讯)香港明报报道,日防夜防,家贼难防,赌场严防赌客出术,原来荷官才是最大的老千,他们与赌客勾当,以假洗牌、记牌、偷拍等方式控制派牌。 由于澳门以百家乐、21点等赌项目为主要收入来源,最容易让荷官下手。

  博彩防千术开发公司UniversalSal的总裁Sal Piacente,26年来见尽无数千术。 他坦言赌客千术再出神入化,利益也有限,要赢大钱,没有荷官合作不能成事。


  他昨于亚洲国际博彩博览会上示范几款荷官常用千术,他说啤牌一经荷官的手,赌局可由他们控制。 荷官洗牌时刻意在赌客面前将啤牌左叠右叠、掀牌时发出声效,都是掩眼法,让赌客以为啤牌洗得均匀。

  有时荷官只想保留其中10多张牌次序,例如上铺曾出现梅花3、5、J、A、8……,荷官洗牌时刻意不「打散」该10多张牌。 到下铺只要派牌期间看见梅花3,马上知道往后十多张牌是什么,从而提醒同党下注。


  除了洗牌出术,荷官还练有过目不忘的本领,最常在洗牌掀牌时偷看并记下牌序。 Sal Piacente指记牌只是工多艺熟,他每次最多可记6副牌:「只是300多张啤牌,无问题。」除了记牌,他昨日拿出一本《TIME》杂志,记者随意讲页数,他即时答出该页的内容。 他又叫记者报上出生日期,5秒内便能讲出当日是星期二。

  记牌可能会错,有荷官会在身上放置针孔摄录机,镜头像钮扣一样,系于西装,洗牌时 拍摄 啤牌, 画面 即时传给同党。


  Sal Piacente表示,澳门对比其他有赌场的地方,百家乐等赌最密集,因此荷官出千的情较常见。 赌客一般无法防范荷官出千,现时流行的电子百家乐机可能会安全一点,但一样有作弊的空间:「只有有赌的地方,就有出千的机会。」




明報 – 2011年6月9日星期四

防千專家Sal Piacente說,只要啤牌經過荷官的手,便能透過假洗牌和記牌等方式操控牌序,在百家樂、21點中與賭客勾結,他自言一次最多可以記6副牌。


博彩防千術開發公司UniversalSal的總裁Sal Piacente,26年來見盡無數千術。他坦言賭客千術再出神入化,利益也有限,要贏大錢,沒有荷官合作不能成事。

左疊右疊扮洗牌 掀牌記牌序



除了洗牌出術,荷官還練有過目不忘的本領,最常在洗牌掀牌時偷看並記下牌序。Sal Piacente指記牌只是工多藝熟,他每次最多可記6副牌:「只是300多張啤牌,無問題。」除了記牌,他昨日拿出一本《TIME》雜誌,着記者隨意講頁數,他即時答出該頁的內容。他又叫記者報上出生日期,5秒內便能講出當日是星期二。


Sal Piacente表示,澳門對比其他有賭場的地方,百家樂等賭枱最密集,因此荷官出千的情况較常見。賭客一般無法防範荷官出千,現時流行的電子百家樂機可能會安全一點,但一樣有作弊的空間:「只有有賭的地方,就有出千的機會。」
